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Lincoln Tunnel Helix

Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Helix Replacement Project

Lincoln Tunnel Helix

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)


Weehawken and Union City, NJ


Cost Benefit Analysis

Lincoln Tunnel Helix

SHA Analytics, LLC conducted a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) for the Lincoln Tunnel Helix Replacement Project to evaluate if the economic benefits of the replacement make the Project a good use of Port Authority funds. The Helix is an approach structure to the Lincoln Tunnel, which connects New Jersey to Manhattan. The existing Helix is approaching the end of its useful life, and therefore, the Port Authority is assessing its replacement with a new facility that meets current design and safety standards.

Specifically, the Port Authority is assessing two alternatives: the “No-Build” Alternative that involves re-decking and rehabilitating the existing Helix to extend its useful life and the “Build” Alternative that involves completely replacing the existing Helix.

SHA Analytics, LLC structured the Helix Project’s BCA to compare the benefits of the Build Alternative to that of the No-Build Alternative to evaluate if the benefits of the Build Alternative exceed its costs. Benefit categories included travel time savings, safety improvements, emissions reductions, and changes in maintenance costs. In preparing this BCA, SHA Analytics, LLC consulted the Port Authority BCA guidelines and Federal USDOT guidelines for competitive grant programs and project-specific data provided by the Port Authority and generated several BCA output metrics, including net present value, benefit-cost ratio and payback period, to guide the Port Authority’s investment decisions.

  (310) 916-9494 |
  10880 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1101. Los Angeles, CA 90024

 SHA Analytics, LLC is a certified SBE/ DBE that provides decision support consulting services to clients in public infrastructure markets.

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