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LACMTA Public-Private Partnership (P3) Technical Bench

Financial Advisory Services for General P3 & Unsolicited Proposals

LA Metro P3 Risk Workshop Guidance

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) 


Los Angeles, CA



Alternative Delivery/ P3 Evaluation

Risk Assessment and Risk Management

P3 Risk Workshop Guidance
Source: LACMTA

SHA Analytics, LLC is serving on Metro’s Public-Private Partnership (P3) Technical Bench to provide support to Metro and its Office of Extraordinary Innovation (OEI) in the evaluation of Unsolicited Proposals as well as general Public-Private Partnerships (P3) advisory services. Metro’s unsolicited proposals policy allows for firms with innovative ideas on how to design, finance, build, deliver, or operate Metro’s services to submit proposals to Metro for evaluation.

Metro’s unsolicited proposal policy lays out a two phase process whereby the proposer submits an initial proposal outlining the overall concept to Metro. Metro performs an initial evaluation of the proposal’s overall potential merit, as well as any technical, financial, or legal challenges. If the project passes the Phase I evaluation, Metro develops a request for information (RFI) for the proposer to provide a Phase II detailed proposal for further evaluation.

Our work involves reviewing the Phase I evaluation conducted by Metro, assisting Metro in developing the RFI, and providing a detailed and rigorous analysis of the Phase II proposal. Specifically, SHA Analytics, LLC brings our expertise in conducting benefit-cost analysis and risk analysis to assist in the evaluation of these unsolicited proposals.  SHA Analytics, LLC has also worked with LACMTA and its advisers to support the development of a P3 program at Metro which involves the development of risk assessment and VFM guidance documents and the development of a programmatic risk register to use in project evaluations.

  (310) 916-9494 |
  10880 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1101. Los Angeles, CA 90024

 SHA Analytics, LLC is a certified SBE/ DBE that provides decision support consulting services to clients in public infrastructure markets.

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