BART Link21 Program
Link21 Strategic Advising and Program Management

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
Oakland, CA
Strategic Advising and Program Management
Funding Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Risk Analysis
BART and Capitol Corridor in Richmond, CA
Credit Link21 Program
SHA Analytics, LLC is part of the Strategic Advising and Program Management team for BART’s Link21 Program. The Link21 Program aims to connect the BART and Regional Rail (including commuter, intercity, and high-speed rail) network in Northern California, as the California State Rail Plan envisioned. The Program’s goal is to transform the passenger rail network serving the 21-county Northern California Megaregion, which includes the greater San Francisco Bay Area, the Monterey Bay area, the Sacramento area, and the Northern San Joaquin Valley. Link21 Will Include a New Transbay Passenger Rail Crossing Between Oakland and San Francisco.
SHA Analytics’ role on Link21 includes developing a cash flow tool to evaluate funding needs relative to available funding over time. This tool considers existing and potential funding sources, timelines, and amounts and compares these to planned program expenditures through the various phases of program development. The tool’s outcomes indicate the Program’s ability to reach key development milestones with existing funds and when a fiscal cliff may occur. SHA Analytics also incorporated high-level risk analysis into the cash flow analysis to test the robustness of these outcomes. This tool helps BART and its consultants to prioritize work and identify when additional funds are needed to move the Program forward. BART and its consultants have used it to inform the development of work packages and budgets and to test expenditure constraint scenarios.